17 August 2006
Pity Party
I planned a pity party and you were invited. I had a cake and ice cream. There were party horns that went FFFWWWEEEEEEE and fun party hats with elastic straps to keep them on our heads. I had colorful streamers to hang all over and great, big balloons.

When I was getting ready for the party I made the cake and set it out on the kitchen counter and then, wouldn't you know it—wild dogs ran through my townhouse, grabbed that cake and tore it apart in the back yard! So, I thought we would just have ice cream. I got the ice cream out and set it on the counter. (I made sure the front and back doors were closed tightly so no more wild dogs would get in.) But then Eli needed a diaper change. We went upstairs for a diaper change. By the time we got back downstairs, the ice cream had melted into a giant puddle all over the kitchen.

Well, at least we still have the hats and the party horns that go FFWWWEEEEEEEE. But, when I picked up the hats, the elastic chin straps got caught on the chair and they all broke. I tried one on, but they won't stay without the elastic. When I was trying to fix the hats, I accidentally stepped on the horns. Now, instead of going FFFWWWEEEEEEE, they go fwip, fwip, fwip.

Maybe we’ll just have streamers and balloons. I got the streamers, decided where I wanted them, then I went to get the tape. But, my tape was gone. The roving band of gypsies that was here last week must have stolen my tape! Well, at least we still have balloons. I got the balloons all blown up, and I put colorful ribbon on each. They looked so nice. But, then, I could not believe my eyes! Porcupines! Hundreds of them! Well..really there were only 7, but it may as well have been hundreds! They popped every single balloon! After I cleaned up the broken, shriveled-up, sad little balloon pieces. I decided to have my party anyway.

Except, no one came.

So I didn’t get to have my Pity Party.

Poor me.
posted by Aimee @ 5:25 AM  
  • At August 18, 2006 8:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    my pitty party is over now too...no wild dogs, or melting ice cream....lol....i miss you....love your post, you always make me smile! Josie says "hola seniorita bucher"

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Name: Aimee
Home: Lima, Ohio, United States
About Me: I own and run 123 Design Studio, a custom web and graphic design studio. I am mother to four wonderful boys: Max, age 10, Xavier, age 7, Eli, age 3, and Toby, age 1. Bryan & I have been married for 18 (mostly wonderful LOL) years. I eat excessive amounts of sugar and laugh inappropriately.
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