01 January 2008
New Year’s Day Strangeness
We had a surprise and then a bit of mourning on this cold New Year’s Day morning when we discovered that, while we were watching mind-numbing cartoons with our boys in an attempt to stay up past midnight, our trampoline was out partying without a designated driver. It apparently drunk a little too much in it’s celebrations and ended up smashed (literally) in the neighbor’s yard. (Well, it was either that or the wind blew it.)
Bryan drug it back into our yard where it now sits like an old derelict just waiting for some poor, unsuspecting child to dare to jump on it. “Come heeeeerrrreee little boy. Come jump on me and have fuuuuunnnnnn. Bwaaaaa Haaaaa Haaaaa Haaaaa!”

When Bryan went over to the neighbor’s yard to get our little drunkard he discovered, much to his dismay, that the trampoline had put a small dent in the neighbor’s downspout. With any other neighbor this would be no big deal. He would go over to the neighbor and say, “Our trampoline got wild with your downspout & we’ll fix it.” and the neighbor—any neighbor other than this particular neighbor—would say, “No big deal.” But this neighbor is a bit, well... crotchety comes to mind. He has spoken to Bryan exactly one time since we moved here 6 months ago and that was to yell at him about moving over the property line. To which Bryan responded that he would have a survey done so they could be sure exactly where the property line is located. It wasn't what you would call a friendly exchange.
So, I offered to go over and explain to the neighbor what happened. His wife has been quite lovely and gracious to me. But Bryan said this is a “Man Thing” so he has to go. Pray for him. LOL

Other Breaking News in the Bucher House

Eli can now open the fridge and fix his own food. (Sort of. The fixing part.)

Here he is in the tub ready for a bath after he fixed his own glass of chocolate milk. Well, technically not chocolate “milk” as there was no milk. Just a glass of chocolate syrup. Yum. Tasty and nutritious. He was quite upset when I took the glass away and stripped him for a bath. I did not feel badly that I took the glass away as he obviously had had quite a bit already.

Well, off for more New Year’s Day fun! Hope your day is great!
posted by Aimee @ 10:31 AM  
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Name: Aimee
Home: Lima, Ohio, United States
About Me: I own and run 123 Design Studio, a custom web and graphic design studio. I am mother to four wonderful boys: Max, age 10, Xavier, age 7, Eli, age 3, and Toby, age 1. Bryan & I have been married for 18 (mostly wonderful LOL) years. I eat excessive amounts of sugar and laugh inappropriately.
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